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How To Make Pain Pads and Peace Pads


This question was asked about making the pain patches and peace patches.  You use paper towels and plastic baggies with plastic packing tape.  Read the following:

Q: Loved watching your workshop (on YouTube) and hope you could include information about your patches.  (for pain and peace)  What kind of material you use, and how you prepare them.

A: You asked about making pads.  Be sure to read the following pages and watch these videos for more information.

the First Aid Chart

How to Use your Never Ending Plasma Energy Vials

Using Intention

About the Never Ending Plasma Energy Station

plasma energy station patches

Lynn shows some pads made from the energy station water with paper towels.  They have to dry thoroughly and then you package them in pairs.  Package One of the pair is 1/4 of the paper towel that you soaked and dried.  Package Two of the pair is 3/4 of the paper towel that you soaked and dried.  They go into plastic baggies and are taped shut with clear tape and labeled ‘for pain’ or whatever use you made them for.  You always want a gradient so when you place the greater pad on one side of a knee for example, then you have the thinner pad on the other side of the knee.  The plasma energy will seek to balance between the two pads and everything in between.Never Ending Plasma Energy Station Pads and Pain Pads

Some people make the pads and leave them wet and put them in the baggies.  The problem with that is they may mold eventually if they are not completely air tight.  That is why I don’t use the wet pad method.

You will ‘reverse engineer’ the station water with intention.  Take out 1 cup of station water and place in a jar that says CO2 and add distilled or filtered water to the top of the jar.  Let it sit over night.  Do the same with ZnO and every ingredient you want.  Look at the ingredients on the first aid chart (you have a link in this email) and at the ingredients we show on the wrist rings, knee rings and gloves.  Be sure when you make pads or use the station water that you always do so with mindful intention of what you want to accomplish.   The peace formula will always include 50% ZnO, 50% CO2,

For more answers you can listen to the Thursday night call with Tommy Lee (miracle II soap and plasma energy). Many people’s testimonies from the call are on our ‘testimonials’ on the website.

Here is how Bonnie made a peace fan:

Making a Peace Fan from Bonnie:

I did a ping pong ball on a fan last Sept (or AUG) and it has been running 24-7.  My husband drilled a small hole in center to hold the silicon and then we centered the ball and stuck it on with silicon…the hole keeps the silicon from flying off…. it took three tries.

So drill small hole in center thing in fan and then get a wider drill bit roughly 1/2 inch to make a little seat for the ball to be centered. And then silicone to make it stick and leave it untouched for a day.  It has been on since last September I only turned it off twice to clean the fan.

From Mehran Keshe: My call to you, the human race is simple, I have shown you in the past 9 years how to satisfy all your earthly needs with simple methods, and I have written books in simple language that all can understand the principles of the creation as is and not as man has made it to be. I have shown you how to make food from the air, and I have shown you how to create energy and motion using the same systems and knowledge, that through the creation and production of these needs of the man, one does not harm any creation of mine and that he can live in peace and tranquility among the rest of this planets’ beings and in the universal community that the men are ready to enter into.  Now; my call goes today …. to all men and women and children of this planet, that to halt all these madness of the brain of the man of killing and destruction as a solution to solve and attain earthly and others possessions, and for the Man to lay down all tools of destruction and murder, irrespective of who you are, which religion leader you are the leaders of or which religion and path of belief you follow, and which sector of this planet you think you are the ruler of or you live in.



2 thoughts on “How To Make Pain Pads and Peace Pads

  1. […] How do I make extra energy station pads or pain pads? […]

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