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Venom In Water, Air and Injections? Read The Q and A With Dr. Brian Ardis and Jonathan Otto

Lynn First Wrote About Venoms In Her May, 2022 Blog:

After Lynn heard this interview she started the GaNS for Heavenly Thunderbolt. It was ready months later and she gives details about it in the following video:

08-07-2022—Venoms, Poxes, and Poisons—What Can You Do About Them? Lynn gives a complete rundown on the ingredients that were used in making the GaNS of Heavenly Thunderbolt.

A December 2023 Special For You

Heavenly Thunderbolt $277 on Sale For $237

Video: Get The Jump On Exposure To Winter Viruses This Holiday Season!

You won’t want to miss out on the Heavenly Thunderbolt Special! And Lynn continues November specials through December…Holiday Detox and Holiday Harmony!  Holiday Detox contains Detox Relief, Healthy Gut and New Tech Frequency Relief.  Holiday Harmony will surround you with the energies of Energy Balancer, Harmony Support and Anxiety Relief.  These combinations will be great for you and your family…and they can make great gifts for others! 

Following are notes from a November Q and A with Jonathan Otto (J) and Dr. Brian Ardis (Dr. A) regarding venoms and more:

J: Chlorine dioxide … reverses autism. What if 1000 cases of autism were reversed with chlorine dioxide enemas. Cary Rivera had a study on this. What if the effectiveness is because it is an anti-venom.

Dr. A: that is 100%. They used autism adults who had severe aggression and anti-social behavior and found that nicotine patches helped within 7 days to help remove the aggressive and anti-social behavior. What if the nicotine and chlorine dioxide reversing autism are related to the 4 regions of the brain and what if glyphosate that acts like a venoms, what if venoms in vaccines have been utilized to create this massive plague of autism around the world. that would explain the benefits of using chlorine dioxide.

J: the mechanism of chlorine dioxide is conducive to helping electricity in the body. Chlorine dioxide is the only negatively charged electrolyte mineral and so you are helping the frequency of the body. Salamanders can regenerate because they hit -30 milivolts in their frequency ability and that is the regenerative frequency. (Dr. Andreas Kalcker from Germany discussed these results recently with Jonathan.)

Dr. A: there was a study years ago of rabbits who lost their legs in a car accident and were able to regrow their legs using electrical frequencies at the stub. It worked on mammals. The AMA went in and destroyed the lab and clinic where these studies were being done 30 to 40 years ago.

J: frequencies matter.

Dr.A: every bag of IV fluid in the hospital or ambulance is actually sodium chloride … the chlorine in the sodium chloride bags is twice as much as the salt content in all the bags. This is how much chlorine/chloride the electrical system needs for input. It needs chlorine to do it. Every IV bag is pumping salts and chloride into you. Your brain needs chlorine to fire all your electrical nerves. And yet we think all of chlorine is bad for us.

Dr.A: Lisonopril has viper venom from brazil. Blood sugar—it is managed by the hormone insulin that requires chromium and vanadium (vanadyl sulphate) to be activated. Get on gymnema will also lower blood sugar.

Dr.A: there was no virus required to spread venom on what they called SARS COV-2. What they used was DNA plasmids and the venom protein is inserted into that DNA loop. It is in the air, in the water, in the food we consume. The DNA plasmids get exposed to the bacteria and yeast that live in our environment and inside of us. They draw in plasmids and start manufacturing with the DNA plasmid instruction the venom proteins.

They will keep doing this. In 2017 and 2019 the government studied what items water treatment plants are using that denatures or destroys DNA plasmids when they are put in the water treatment. They were studying chlorine, UV light, acids and none of those destroy DNA plasmids.

I don’t think they will ever stop using the venoms against us. For those who are vaccinated, they are going to have to recognize the e-coli in their bodies and the yeast that facilitate the shedding from them to you and others.

Thyroid: trying to get off meds. Can I reawaken the thyroid? Yes you can 6 months to one year to heal the organs in your body.

Were ticks weaponized with the venoms for Lyme disease? Yes. And they have weaponized mosquitoes and are trying to weaponize other insects.

Lyme: most often created by nematode parasites and those parasites poop in your body. They are worms eating in your body. As they poop they poop out the lyme causing bacteria. You have to get rid of the root cause so do a parasite cleanse.

Venoms and graphene have been found in dental anesthesia. Orablock is a brand name for a dental anesthetic Dr. A tested.

If babies are breast feeding treat the mother. The foreign protein cleans and it has super charged C60. Liquid gold is in the foreign protein cleanse. They all help in the cleanse. Use 1 ml protein cleanse for children. EDTA powdered form for children M thru F. Use some form of Vitamin C, 1000 mg minimum.

Will a chlorine shower filter let in more venom? Whatever venom that is in water would have been neutralized by the chlorine before it got to the shower filter.

Spike protein…isn’t it strike protein? All venoms are protein. The spike protein on the rabies virus is identical to snake venom components. So is the spike protein of HIV. We did not know this before. Rabies and HIV were both cured by nicotine.

Dr. A: I put the nicotine patch on my rib cage as the skin is thinner there. I switch sides every day.

Snake venom causes thrombo cytopenia.

Hair loss? Venom, yes. My husband got the jabs and I did not. These venoms called covid have caused massive hair loss for women around the world. The last two months have grown more new hair…red light saunas every day (infrared….Sauna space is the one we have). She is wearing a waver watch and turn on various sound frequencies. Now her hair has grown more than it did for the last 2 years. PRP injections caused more hair loss.

1910 book, Dr. Kellogg, (brother of cereal Kellogg) and wrote light therapeutics and cured lupus and all kinds of auto immune diseases including psoriasis. He created red stained glass incandescent light bulbs. The uses Dr. Kelloggs’ technology. These lights also detoxify and neutralizes all snake venoms in a mammal. Red Light offsets EMFs, wifi and 5G radiation and negates blue light technology. That is why I wanted this in our house after our Healing for the Ages conference.

What if you were bitten by a venomous snake and far from help? I would put my liquid EDTA right on the bite if I had it with me. If there was a neem tree nearby I would chew on the leaf. Neem neutralizes all venoms and so do tobacco. Also, Chlorine dioxide.

J: When German Dr. Andreas Kalcker…treated Guillian Barre with IV chlorine dioxide to someone who could only move his eyelids. Within 3 days the man was better. Father and 2 sons doing jail time for the chlorine dioxide. They had served 3 years and got re-sentenced for another 5 years. Lee Merritt likes Jim Humbles chlorine dioxide protocol.

Dr.A: go to patient resources on and click on nicotine pdf and download and share. It explains every way to use the nicotine patches and gum.

Shedding is caused by bacteria and yeast. The bacteria and yeast is now programmed and is causing clotting and long haul covid symptoms. Get a stool test from the Dr. Ardis show for parasites. Food grade hydrogen peroxide obliterates e-coli and yeast and is protective for future shedding.

I wear 3.5 nicotine patch every day and take 1 ml foreign protein cleanse and 1 ml EDTA every day. I do not have symptoms. Do EDTA in the morning and the foreign protein cleans in the afternoon or evening. Wear the patch all day. If you get sick, double the dose.

Polysorbate is in Nicorette gum and not the Rugy or other brand. Dr. A uses the Rugby patches.

Ace 2 receptors was a false flag. I think they use AI to write most of the research studies and putting on fake author’s names and creating crap. Real medical doctors only see the false crap.

Guillan Barre paralysis is a published side effect of remdesivir, covid vaxx, the sedation drugs of fentanyl and midisolan. Use the chlorine dioxide to clear the symptoms and then acetyl choline to help keep the nerves firing. Also use nicotine. Omega 3 fatty acids will help the myelin sheath issues in paralysis.

Q: A body work person didn’t take the vax and works on vaxxed people and has burning in the hands. He recommends liquid EDTA or cream to use topically. EZ detox can be utilized twice a day to neutralize the venoms. Also drink food grade hydrogen peroxide or chlorine dioxide.

Q: pain in the feet, ringing in the ears, gut issue when wakes up. I have practice urine therapy for over a year.

Dr.A: Try apple pectin powder, EDTA, or hydrogen peroxide. has the 7% food grade hydrogen peroxide (Ed Group’s company). For someone who doesn’t want to use nicotine, licorice root can work as works primarily for the blood clotting with the glycerylhisine acid. About the nicotine—remember that all the nightshade vegetables such as tomatoes, potatoes, celery, cauliflower, eggplant have nicotine. It’s not dangerous or addictive.

My wife was afraid to use the nicotine for 5 months and finally used it and was over her symptoms in a few days.

Q: French researchers found two venoms

Dr.A: it was cobra toxin and bugaro toxin. They published with DNA technology that the cobra and krait snake venom builds on work in Italy where they found 20 snake venoms in blood and feces of covid patients. They found 16 different shelf fish venoms in those same people.

If you get worse symptoms…read the nicotine pdf on my website…some got worse and peaked an hour or two and then it goes away. You will seem veremia symptoms (symptoms of having a viral attack) while wearing the patches. You are releasing the venom and the immune system has to take care of it. You might see a spike in fever, cough, joint pain. It will be momentary and don’t worry the slight worsening. The immune system will handle it. Take glutathione, Vit C, NAC or all published detoxifiers of venoms. Also, EDTA with foreign protein cleanse. I do all of these.

Q: 36 yr. old son has seizure.

J: Sugar and alcohol do not conduct any power; it’s possible you are fixing the electrical system when you stop sugar and alcohol. ‘Distilled water’ that is urine has the electrolytes. My son had a seizure and we are going to use chlorine dioxide.

Dr.A: if this is my child I would be concerned there is a missing determination of underlying parasitic toxicity or heavy metals. I would contact Trace Elements for heavy metal poisoning. It is in Dallas, Texas. Also do the parasite test kit. Neurologists are not trained to look for these things. They are massively problematic in what they call neuro-degenerative diseases. MS and Lou Gehrig’s all have parasites and heavy metals implicated in them. If you find heavy metals you are going to use EDTA, chorella, bentonite clay, activated charcoal. You have all kinds of options. You can do IV infusions of EDTA.

J: NASA had chlorine dioxide as a therapy for a reason. Do not take Vit C, anti-oxidative therapy, at the same time as chlorine dioxide as the oxidative therapy.

Cary Rivera reversed over 500 cases of autism with chlorine dioxide.

This was a 2nd set of Q and A. You can see all the Q and A’s on the link at the beginning of these notes.

Dr. Tom Lewis: what you see in the eye portends things that go on in the brain. When you have pain, it’s an energy crisis. Head or ocular migraines …supply the brain with high dose fats, low glycemic vegetables. The neuro transmitters and happy hormones are made in the gut. Issues in the gut can cause issues in the brain as it uses 20 to 25% of the oxygen in you even though it is 2% of your body mass.

High fat: cod liver oil is good. Fish oils are good. These help inflammation. A lot of drugs don’t go after the inflammatory issue.

Oral hygiene: root canals are very close to the eye and the brain. They harbor spyrochetes that are detrimental to vascular health. The heart and vessels is the most vulnerable tissues and spirochetes and poor oral hygiene can spark problems.

Macular diseases happen with poor oral hygiene. Spirochetes can cause migraines and are electron stealers. All healing is electron donating and all disease is electron stealing. The brain has high density of mitochondria that produce carbon dioxide and water.

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